Ebooks and Resources for Mental Health and Spiritual Transformation

Tag: empathy

12 Signs You’re an Intuitive Person

Intuitive Person
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Have you ever experienced an uncanny sense that events will unfold in a particular manner? Perhaps you’ve had dreams that surprisingly foretell the future, or you’ve got a bad gut feeling about someone that later proves accurate. If you find yourself affirming these scenarios, it’s possible that you’re aligned to your wise inner self, your Higher self. Continue reading to explore the signs that reveal the extent of your intuitive nature.

The Perks of Being Empathetic


Being empathetic means entering the private perceptual world of the other and becoming truly at home in it.

Carl Rogers

What is Emotional Intelligence?

emotional intelligence

It has been known for a long time now, that having a high IQ is not enough for leading a fulfilling and successful life. You also need to have at least a bit of emotional intelligence. But what exactly is emotional intelligence, and how can you nurture it?

Your Emotional Pain Can Make You Wiser

It is common human behavior to avoid emotional pain at all costs. But what if it became public knowledge that you can actually use this pain to grow? What if it was known that it can be used to make you stronger, much more creative, kinder, and even wiser? 

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